Can Jetson Hoverboard Get Wet?

Can Jetson Hoverboard Get Wet?

Hoverboards, those cool self-balancing gadgets, are super convenient to zip around on. But did you know they’re not big fans of water? Yup, even a little splash can cause some serious damage to these nifty electric rides. So, you might be wondering: Can Hoverboards Get Wet? Are they waterproof? And what do you do if yours takes an unexpected dive? Let’s dig into these questions. The topic of the article is ‘Can Jetson Hoverboard Get Wet?’

While hoverboards are designed to handle some moisture, they’re not built for a swim. If yours ends up caught in the rain or splashed by a passing car, the first thing to do is switch it off pronto and get it out of harm’s way. Then comes the rice trick. Yep, you read that right! Plonk your hoverboard into a bag of rice and let it chill there for a good 2-3 days. Why rice? Well, rice is like a super sponge – it sucks up moisture like a champ, giving your hoverboard a fighting chance to survive.

But hold on, we’re not done yet! Let’s dive deeper into this topic so you can become a hoverboard water damage expert and keep your precious ride in top shape.

Is it Safe to Take Jetson Hoverboards into Water?

The short answer? Nope, it’s a big no-no to take your Jetson hoverboard for a swim. So, if you’ve been eyeing that puddle or planning a hoverboard pool party, you might want to rethink your strategy.

Sure, some Jetson hoverboards boast about being water-resistant but don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re amphibious. Just because something claims to be waterproof doesn’t mean it can handle a deep dive underwater. Trust us, your hoverboard won’t appreciate the surprise swim.

Why the fuss, you ask? Well, here’s the deal: hoverboards are like little electric brains on wheels, packed with lithium-ion batteries and delicate circuits. And you know what doesn’t mix well with electronics? Yup, water. It’s like trying to introduce your phone to a swimming pool – not a good idea.

Now, let’s talk safety. Hoverboards may seem like magical floating machines, but they’re not invincible. Riding one on wet surfaces is a recipe for disaster. Think about it: wet roads or soggy grass can mess with your hoverboard’s grip and stability, leading to slips, falls, and potentially ruining your trusty ride.

Keep your hoverboard dry by sticking to dry surfaces like roads, dry grass, or sandy beaches. Your hoverboard will thank you, and you’ll avoid a soggy situation that could leave you high and dry. Stay safe, stay dry, and keep on rolling!

What to Do If Your Hoverboard Gets Wet?

So, your hoverboard took an unexpected shower. No worries, let’s tackle this soggy situation step by step.

First things first, let’s clear up a common misconception: while hoverboards are built to handle a bit of moisture, they’re not designed for a full-on swim. So, it’s best to keep them away from water, mud, or any other damp spots.

Now, imagine you’re cruising along on a dry road when suddenly the heavens open up. Talk about bad timing! While a drizzle might not spell disaster for your hoverboard, it’s still wise to err on the side of caution.

If your hoverboard does find itself in a wet pickle, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Cut the Power – Quickly switch off your hoverboard to prevent any further damage.

Step 2: Dry Out – Remove the battery and check for any signs of water reaching the motherboard. If it has, it’s time for the rice trick. Yes, you heard that right! Pop your hoverboard into a bag of uncooked rice and let it sit for a good 48 to 72 hours. Rice has magical moisture-absorbing powers that might just save the day.

Step 3: Seek Help – If the rice trick doesn’t work its magic, don’t despair. Reach out to the warranty provider or a professional repair lab for assistance. Sometimes, a little expert help is all you need to get your hoverboard back in action.

Remember, not all hoverboards are created equal, so it’s essential to understand your specific model’s quirks and limitations. By staying informed and prepared, you’ll be better equipped to handle any bumps – or puddles – along the way. So, keep on rolling, but remember to steer clear of those wet patches!

How to Repair Water-Damaged Hoverboards?

Repairing water-damaged hoverboards can be tricky, but with the right approach, you can often bring your trusty ride back to life. Here’s a detailed plan to assist you in approaching the assignment:

  • Assess the Damage: Before anything else, evaluate the level of harm. Check for signs of water intrusion, such as corrosion on the motherboard or connectors.
  • Disconnect the Power Source: Before you do anything else, make sure to disconnect the power source. This means removing the battery and unplugging the hoverboard from any charging cables.
  • Dry It Out: Once the power source is disconnected, it’s time to dry out the hoverboard. You can use a combination of towels, fans, and even a hairdryer on a low setting to gently remove excess moisture. Ensure that you give careful consideration to all the small gaps or places that are difficult to get to.
  • Use Desiccants: Desiccants, like silica gel packets or uncooked rice, can help absorb any remaining moisture. Place the hoverboard in a bag with plenty of desiccants and let it sit for at least 48 hours. This will help ensure that all traces of moisture are removed.
  • Inspect for Damage: Once the hoverboard is completely dry, carefully inspect it for any signs of damage. Look for corrosion on the motherboard, rust on connectors, or any other visible issues. If you spot any damage, you may need to replace the affected components.
  • Test It Out: After drying and inspecting the hoverboard, it’s time to test it out. Reconnect the power source and turn on the hoverboard to see if it functions properly. Pay close attention to any unusual noises, smells, or behaviors, as these could indicate lingering issues.
  • Seek Professional Help if Necessary: If you’re unable to repair the hoverboard on your own or if you’re unsure about the extent of the damage, it’s best to seek professional help. A certified repair technician will have the expertise and tools needed to diagnose and fix the problem safely.

By following these steps and taking the necessary precautions, you can often repair water-damaged hoverboards and get back to enjoying smooth rides in no time. Remember, prevention is key, so be sure to keep your hoverboard away from water and moisture whenever possible to avoid future damage. You should also know: Why Does My Jetson Hoverboard Keep Beeping?


In conclusion, while Jetson hoverboards may boast some water resistance, it’s best to keep them away from wet conditions to avoid potential damage. Remember, water and electronics don’t mix well, so erring on the side of caution is always a smart move. By taking proper precautions and avoiding wet environments, you can help ensure that your Jetson hoverboard stays in top-notch condition for many rides to come.


While some hoverboards may be designed to handle light moisture, it’s generally not recommended to ride them in any kind of rain or drizzle. Even a small amount of water can potentially damage the electronics or compromise safety.

It’s best to avoid riding your Jetson hoverboard near bodies of water altogether. Accidental splashes or falls into water can lead to serious damage to the hoverboard and pose safety risks to the rider.

It’s not advisable to clean your hoverboard with water or wet wipes. Instead, use a dry cloth to gently wipe away any dirt or debris. Using water or wet wipes can introduce moisture into the electronics, increasing the risk of damage.

If your hoverboard does get wet, immediately power it off and disconnect the battery. Then, follow the steps outlined earlier to dry it out thoroughly and inspect for any damage. If you’re unsure or if there’s visible damage, seek professional assistance.

It’s essential to check the terms of your warranty, as coverage for water damage can vary. Some warranties may explicitly exclude water damage, while others may offer limited coverage. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the warranty details provided by Jetson or the retailer.

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